• Create a free account
• At the course catalogue, search for a self-directed program that interests you and click on it
• Enroll in the program. If your teacher gave you a sign-up code, this is where you use it
• Complete the program to earn your certificate at the end
• Create a free account
• Look through the list of Teacher-led or Self-directed programs for one that might interest your students
• Contact your local JA office. They can provide you with the access code you’ll need to access a Teacher-led program or to keep tabs on your students as they complete a Self-directed program
• Review the content of the program
• Deliver the program to your students (Teacher-led), or ask them to complete the program independently while you monitor their progress (Self-directed)
• Create a free account for your child
• Look through the list of Self-directed programs for one that might interest your child OR ask them to do it themselves
• Sign up for the program
• Have your child complete the program to their certificate
• Create a free account
• Contact your local JA office to register as a volunteer
• Complete your training, either face-to-face or here on the campus, as per your JA office’s instructions
• Receive the information regarding your program delivery from your local JA office
• Use the code they provide to access your program’s digital content
• Review the content before your delivery day
• Access this site on delivery day to load your digital classroom materials
JA Training for Volunteers and Educators

We have a variety of volunteer opportunities available, such as delivering a program in a classroom, assisting at a special event, or committing to a long-term leadership role.
If you’ve been instructed to complete your training on the JA Campus and provided an access code by your local JA Office, this link will take you to the training materials.